Varicose Veins Specialist

Ferncreek Cardiology, PA
Cardiology located in Fayetteville, NC
You may want to have your varicose veins removed to improve your appearance but dealing with these ugly veins also treats or prevents serious complications like non-healing leg ulcers. At Ferncreek Cardiology, PA, Manesh Thomas, MD, FACC, FSCAI, Matthew Daka, MD, FACC, FSCAI, and Selveratnam Sinna, MD, specialize in several different procedures that safely and effectively eliminate your varicose veins and restore healthy circulation. If you want to do away with your vein problem, call the office in Fayetteville, North Carolina, or book an appointment online today.
Varicose Veins Q & A
What causes varicose veins?
The veins in your body carry blood back to your heart, which means the veins in your legs work against gravity to move blood up the leg. One-way valves inside the veins assist the process by opening to let blood go up and closing to prevent it from flowing backward.
When the valves weaken or fail, some of the blood goes down the leg, a condition called venous insufficiency. As the refluxing blood accumulates, the vein becomes engorged. That’s when you end up with dark blue and purple, bulging, twisted varicose veins.
What symptoms occur if I have varicose veins?
Varicose veins often cause uncomfortable symptoms such as:
- Leg pain
- Heavy-feeling legs
- Itchy legs
- Restless legs
- Muscle cramps
- Burning or throbbing
- Edema (swelling due to fluids)
Venous insufficiency also causes high pressure in your lower leg vein. This pressure leads to complications like skin discoloration, rashes, and non-healing ulcers.
How are varicose veins treated?
Your Ferncreek Cardiology, PA, provider performs ultrasound imaging to assess the extent and severity of your varicose veins. Your treatment may begin with compression stockings that improve blood circulation in your leg.
If you have advanced venous insufficiency, complications like skin changes or an ulcer, or you want to have your veins removed for cosmetic reasons, your provider recommends one of the following treatments:
Your provider injects a medication called a sclerosing agent into the targeted vein. The medication makes the vein wall collapse, and then the treated vein turns into scar tissue.
Once the vein closes, your body naturally reroutes blood to other healthy veins and reabsorbs the scar tissue. As a result, your unsightly veins disappear, and healthy circulation returns.
Endovenous laser ablation
For this procedure, your provider makes a small cut and inserts a catheter into the leg vein. Using real-time imaging, they guide the catheter to the end of the diseased vein.
As they slowly withdraw the catheter, they send out a controlled laser beam that heats the vein and makes the walls collapse. Like sclerotherapy, your body then clears away the treated vein and redirects the blood.
For this procedure, your Ferncreek Cardiology, PA, provider makes small, slit-like incisions above the vein. Using a specialized instrument, they reach through the cut, grab the vein, and gently pull it out.
If you’re ready to get rid of varicose veins, call Ferncreek Cardiology, PA, or book an appointment online today.