Hypertension Specialist

Ferncreek Cardiology, PA
Cardiology located in Fayetteville, NC
One in three adults with hypertension (high blood pressure) doesn’t know they have the disease because it doesn’t cause symptoms. At Ferncreek Cardiology, PA, Manesh Thomas, MD, FACC, FSCAI, Matthew Daka, MD, FACC, FSCAI, and Selveratnam Sinna, MD, offer blood pressure screening and early treatment that prevents blood vessel disease. The team also provides comprehensive management of hypertension, working with you to protect the long-term health of your cardiovascular system. To schedule an appointment, call the office in Fayetteville, North Carolina, or use the online booking feature today.
Hypertension Q & A
What causes hypertension?
Your blood pressure — the force of blood pushing against your artery walls — must stay within a specific range. If your blood pressure drops below the normal range, your brain, heart, and the rest of your body don’t get the oxygen and nutrients needed to function.
When your blood pressure rises above the normal range, which is hypertension, the disease leads to serious health problems.
Most cases of hypertension develop gradually from lifestyle habits such as:
- Being overweight or obese
- Not getting regular exercise
- Consuming too much salt
- Living with constant stress
- Smoking cigarettes
- Drinking too much alcohol
Though not as common, some chronic health conditions, such as kidney disease and obstructive sleep apnea, cause hypertension.
How does hypertension affect my health?
Hypertension damages the artery walls, creating rough spots where cholesterol can easily take hold. Once cholesterol attaches to the wall, more fat accumulates, causing a condition called atherosclerosis.
Without treatment, the fatty plaque keeps getting larger and blocks the flow of blood. Atherosclerosis causes:
- Coronary artery disease
- Peripheral artery disease
- Carotid artery disease
- Abdominal aortic aneurysms
- Chronic kidney disease
- Heart failure
Hypertension significantly increases your risk of having a stroke or heart attack.
What symptoms appear if I have hypertension?
Hypertension is a silent disease because it builds up for decades without causing any symptoms. Most people learn they have hypertension when they go in for an annual check-up or after they have a heart attack or stroke.
You may experience leg or chest pain when atherosclerotic plaque blocks the flow of blood in your legs or heart. If plaque leads to kidney damage, you may develop symptoms such as headaches, nausea, fatigue, and dry, itchy skin.
How is hypertension treated?
When your Ferncreek Cardiology, PA, provider diagnoses hypertension early, lifestyle changes may bring your blood pressure back to the normal range. Lifestyle changes that lower blood pressure include:
- Following a healthy diet
- Limiting salt consumption
- Getting regular exercise
- Losing weight
- Stopping smoking
If your hypertension fails to improve with lifestyle changes or you have severe hypertension at the time of diagnosis, your provider prescribes medication. Some medications lower your blood pressure by relaxing your arteries, while others get rid of excess water and salt.
The team at Ferncreek Cardiology, PA, may also perform minimally invasive procedures to clear away plaque and restore normal circulation.
To schedule a blood pressure screening or get ongoing management for hypertension, call Ferncreek Cardiology, PA, or book an appointment online today.